#57-59Eo, Jawaharlal Nehru(215), Phsar Depo II, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh.
Call Us Today: 092 81 81 16

Local Anesthesia

Local Anesthesia

Special attention required for young children, elderly patients and medically compromised patient

  1. To avoid injury inside the mouth. There should be no chewing or biting of lips, checks or tongue while the area is still numb. The numbness will gradually wear off in 2-3 hours.
  2. During the first 24 hours, chew food by using another side of the teeth that have no been treated.
  3. If lips or tongue have been accidentally bitten. the wound will be swollen with white or yellowwhite plaque covering it. Do not rub or apply any medication to the wound. The wound will be disappear by itself in approximately 7-10 days without scar. Pain relief medication can be taken if neccessary.